Why Choose DRTV?

Sinéad Masterson, Creative Advertising Lead at LIKECHARITy, discusses the benefits of Direct Response TV advertising. 


Regular donors can be a significant source of income and are often the key ingredient for the survival of the charities they support. Here at LIKECHARITY we understand the importance of predictable income and our job is to help your organisation increase the amount of people that contribute to you on a regular basis.

Why choose DRTV?

DRTV is the most effective and proven method of generating leads that are open to the idea of hearing more about how they can help. It is one of the most powerful mediums you have at your disposal.

The sole objective of a DRTV ad is to illicit responses. Be sure to keep this objective in the forefront of your mind throughout the creative process.

Besides its immense scale and reach, TV is one of the best ways to emotionally engage with an audience. As our goal is to illicit responses, this individual engagement is crucial. When we successfully create this connection we can convert a passive audience into long-term donors. Unlike other forms of donor recruitment, DRTV allows intending members of the public to reach out to you. These motivated individuals have already expressed their desire to engage with your cause; leaving the door firmly open for further engagement. DRTV affords the viewer the simplest way imaginable to give a little and maybe later contribute a lot. It affords the charity a mechanic of only engaging with an appropriate audience and not wasting precious time and resources on individuals who have not expressed interest and are unlikely to support your cause.

As a charity it is easy to find an emotional hook for a DRTV ad. We can’t be afraid to show the audience the problem, because at the end of the day it is this problem that will resonate with the viewer and cause them to reach out to us. A positive and optimistic DRTV ad won’t create the emotional connection we need to get responses. By showing the charity’s success stories the viewer isn’t confronted with the problem therefore they feel no urgency to donate.

By keeping the message we portray in our DRTV ads simple, precise and emotive we will achieve our goal.By bringing in the text to donate platform to a DRTV ad it becomes much easier for viewers to respond to an ad. Everyone has a mobile phone these days, they’re almost always in our hand, in our pocket or on the table in front of us. Nowadays a mobile phone is an extension of who we are and because of this you are almost guaranteed that when your ad is being aired the viewers will have their phone close to them, making it simple, easy and accessible to respond to our ad with a text donation.


The Dos and Don’ts of DRTV Advertising


Keep your ad simple, clear and focused!
Your ad should have one main focus. If your goal is to generate responses then create an ad that will generate these responses. An award winning production will be fantastic to look at but it won’t necessarily get you the response you truly desire.

Design is KEY!
Ensure your call to action is LARGE and stands out from the rest of your text. Make it easy for your target audience to see how to donate to your cause

Make it as easy as possible for the viewer to donate. Repetition is your best friend.

Make it as easy as possible for the viewer to donate. Repetition is your best friend.

Make it as easy as possible for the viewer to donate. Repetition is your best friend.

Make it personal!
Don’t talk about the problem as a whole, talk about the effect of this problem for one person. Giving this person a name and asking the viewer to help this person will really resonate with the audience. It’s hard to believe that one person’s donation can cure world hunger but it’s very believable that one person can feed a child for a week.

Ensure Your Message Resonates!
Finish your ad strong. Close your advert with a frame that will provoke a desire within the audience to want to help your cause. Push!

If you are interested in pursuing a DRTV campaign contact LIKECHARITY at contact@likecharity.com or at +44 207 097 1233


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