The Benefits of DRTV

Would your charity benefit from an innovative product that can spread your message to millions of passive television viewers? And help increase national recognition whilst being cost efficient? Your company could not only increase profits, but also gain brand recognition, maximize savings, and elevate the interest of new and already established supporters of your charity’s cause.

DRTV stands for Direct Response Television; this allows the immediate contact between the audience and your organisation to create a special relationship that cannot be guaranteed by other means of media. Sure, there are many other ways that your organisation can get your message or name out in the public sphere, but there is nothing quite like DRTV and here are some reasons why:

1. It’s cost effective: A savvy media manager’s dream is to save money for their organisation, and by using DRTV a company can save 20%-30% of the total cost of media advertising. Compared to the pricing of standard commercials and ads on television, newspapers, magazines, etc. DRTV is reasonably priced and offers more value for your money. This allows companies to be in the public view and stay within their price range. In LIKECHARITY’s case, we provide an affordable platform for charities to generate regular monthly donations and significantly increase public awareness using DRTV. 

2. It’s reliable: DRTV allows direct and instantaneous feedback via text message responses from tv viewers; If a charity’s content is struggling to receive any text donations, then the subject matter can be quickly revised and iterated at no extra cost until results improve; Thus creating a reliable and transparent relationship with donors and your organisation . LIKECHARITY provides live tracking and analysis of all text messages responses and processes all donations in a safe and secure way via direct debit or credit card.

To learn more about LIKECHARITY’s data protection services please click here.

3. It highlights a simple story that evokes emotional responses: LIKECHARITY creates and produces videos that elicit an emotional response, which is important when discussing individual charities. The immediate reaction to the content compels the viewer with the urgency to turn their reaction into action (donating) by igniting the interest of passive TV audience members who truly care about the cause and giving them the tools to support the organisation.

4. It complements other forms of media: DRTV is complementary to other styles of media such as direct mail and door to door because it enhances the information by giving context in easily digestible adverts. By using DRTV and other kinds of media your organisation can reach out to many different demographics; A typical LIKECHARITY DRTV campaign, over the course  of three months, is seen by around six million Irish viewers - allowing a charity’s message to be amplified nationwide.

5. It creates brand recognition: Many charities have found that following their DRTV campaign they received a 20% increase in brand recognition.  DRTV adverts are usually aired on primetime shows allowing your cause to be seen nationwide; meaning a passive audience can pick up the brands name and logo if the advert appeals to them. This is an opportunity for your brand to gain recognition and a following, while also increasing sales. 

To learn more about DRTV and to learn more about LIKECHARITY, please click on following video 



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Text-To-Donate Coffee Morning workshop