Recurring Payment Text-to-Donate Launches in Ireland!

Recurring Payment Text-to-Donate Launches in Ireland!

Do you want to expand your charity’s fundraising horizons, but aren’t sure if you should ask for a single text-to-donate gift or a recurring direct debit instead ? Do you want to increase donation revenue without necessarily increasing your current advertising budget?

Then this is the solution for you!

Recurring SMS is new to the Irish charity sector and can make donating a lot easier for the donating public. Recurring SMS is similar to the extremely popular text-to-donate service except that it will charge the texter’s phone bill every week or every month (that bit is up to you!). This service makes it easy for your supporters to donate on a regular basis just by sending a couple of simple text messages.

Recurring SMS is an exciting and important new donor acquisition channel in Ireland. In the UK, charities have found that an average recurring donor gives 42% more annually compared to one-time donor. Recurring SMS is a fantastic new tool that can help you reach your fundraising targets.

Recurring SMS is simple and straightforward. This will allow your supporter to donate without constantly texting in to donate. The recurring SMS is a safe and secure way of delivering financial gifts from supporters to their chosen charity.

LIKECHARITY’s new recurring text-to-donate service is very simple to use and access. If you would like to learn more about Recurring SMS, please email, call 01 557 2425 or visit


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