How generous will Ireland be this year?

According to the World’s giving index and the Charities Aid Foundation Ireland was ranked the 3rd most giving country in the world per capita in 2014. But in 2015 however our country had fallen down to the 8th most generous country in the world and only making it the 37th most stranger-friendly. Although the proportion of people who give to charity or volunteer their time has made us the 3rd most selfless nation in Europe, our scores have slipped lately.

Here at LIKECHARITY we know that a lot of the times it is not the lack of desire to help that hinders people to give to charity. Sometimes it is the difficulty of reaching out or knowing where to begin supporting, that make people reluctant. It was out of this very notion our company was born. We wanted to make it easy for you, the public to donate to a cause you cared about. Another reason people can feel fearful to give to charities are the scandals about misplaced funds or over-the-top compensations for aid workers. This is of course a problem but it is important to remember that far more charities are honest and transparent than shady.

We have observed after 3 years partnering with over 300 charities that most of them out there, can be trusted. And we are happy to help these organisations reach more people through simple texts donations, DRTV and Online solutions.  We hope our work can also encourage you to donate a gift or your time to one of our wonderful charity partners. Whatever you can spare matters!

To name a few; Dogs Trust continue their persistent work finding neglected dogs new loving homes. Merchant Quay Ireland have the only 24 hour night cafe opened for the homeless in all of Ireland. And Sightsavers are working relentlessly to cure avoidable blindness for thousands each year. These hero organisations could not continue their valuable work without the support of the public and we are honoured to help them in their fight against injustice.

As summer is winding down more people tend to redirect their focus towards charity work or donations. We hope that this trend exceeds expectations this year! 2016 have been a whirlwind year and we can all use a little more sunshine. And nothing makes you feel happy like helping someone else, so let’s make 2016 our most generous year ever!


Source: The guardian, The Irish Times, The Journal


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